Who Is Entitled To Damages For Wrongful Death?
Category : Blog Posts
Who Is Entitled To Damages For Wrongful Death?
Losing a loved one is a heartbreaking experience, but it is significantly more painful when it could have been avoided. If someone you care about died because of the carelessness or maliciousness of someone else, don’t let your pain paralyze and stop you from pursuing justice. You may have legal grounds to seek compensation that will help you cope with your loss. If you partner with an injury attorney at Our Firm, you can count on compassionate, dedicated legal representation. We will stand by you every step of the way and faithfully pursue the best possible outcome for your case.
Wrongful death is one caused by the negligence or malice of another party, such as a defective product that malfunctions or intentionally giving someone the wrong medication. In our state, the spouse of a deceased person may file a wrongful death claim. If there is no spouse, the children can pursue compensation. In cases where there are no children or a spouse, any living parent of the deceased person may file a claim. Beyond that, the deceased’s estate administrator is entitled to recover for wrongful death. If a husband or wife can prove the wrongful death of his or her spouse, he or she is generally guaranteed at least one-third of any damages. Damages may include medical or funeral costs, pain and suffering, loss of future wages, emotional distress, loss of inheritance for children, and more.
Because state law places a statute of limitations on the time period during which a wrongful death claim may be filed, it is important to act quickly. We know it can be overwhelming to consider legal action after the tragic death of a loved one, but it is important to know whether or not you are entitled to compensation. We want to help bring justice to your case so you can get what you deserve and start rebuilding your life. Give us a call today. We won’t charge you anything unless we win your case.